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I started using the fantastic app «Wunderlist» (now «Microsoft To Do») for my personal Task Management on the Mac, of course with synchronisation to iPhone and the web.

Before I used to write all my To-dos simply into the Stickies.app – which worked, but was not too flexible. While migrating all pending Tasks from my notes, I realized that I’d love to be able to use the right-click-contextmenu to send the current text selection to Wunderlist. As I have done similiar things already for image manipulations, etc. using an Automator Service, I knew where to start for my new requirement 🙂

Thanks to a Blog post from James O’Donnell on Scribd, I got my hands quickly on the required AppleScript. However, I didn’t like the fact that he made the script ask for a new User Input which will be created as new task – rather than just taking the currently selected text. So I adjusted his AppleScript code as follows:

How-to setup the Automator Service
OSX Wunderlist Automator Service - Automator Service Configuration

  1. Open Automator.app
  2. Choose new “Service”
  3. Define the Input on top as “text” in “any application”
  4. Add the item “Run AppleScript” from the library
  5. Copy & Paste the following AppleScript-code
  6. Save & you are ready to go!

on run {input, parameters}
-- This code comes from http://raduner.ch/blog/
-- To be used with an Automator Service
-- ------------------------------------------------
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "c" using {command down}
end tell
set inputText to the clipboard as Unicode text
tell application "Wunderlist"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Wunderlist"
keystroke "i" using {command down, shift down}
keystroke "v" using {command down}
keystroke (ASCII character 3)
end tell
end tell
end tell
return input
end run

How-to use

  1. Select any text in any application (f.eg. Mail)
    OSX Wunderlist Automator Service - Select Text
  2. Right-click the selected text & choose “Add to Wunderlist” from the context-menu
    OSX Wunderlist Automator Service - Right-click
  3. Tadaa – the selection has been added as new Task in Wunderlist!
    OSX Wunderlist Automator Service - New Task in Wunderlist
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